Love Continues
Our hope is to find peace and purpose through philanthropy, and honor Jasper by living our lives to the fullest, doing good, and being kind.
For us, strength means acknowledging your weakness and your feelings. Strength is believing that exactly who you are and what you feel are exactly right. That kind of resilience can be hard to summon and remember sometimes. We hope this t-shirt helps you remember that for yourself. We have raised over $7,000 from this campaign.
Our new T-shirt, in honor of Jasper’s second birthday, represents our evolution in peace and purpose, with a slogan that reflects where we are in our grief and our relationship with our son - “love remembers”.
Proceeds benefit Children's Hospital of Richmond.

There are so many decisions we questioned as parents to a medically fragile child - our decision to trust our son's care to Children's Hospital of Richmond is not one of them. As we talked about creating a legacy for Jasper, honoring him through hope, healing and play for other children in our community gives us so much peace and purpose.
We are excited to have a playroom in the new in-patient Wonder Tower to be named for Jasper.
In 2020, we raised over $18,000 for Mended Little Hearts of Central Virginia!
For 2022, we are back, in person, and ready to enjoy our VIP tent as #1 fundraisers from 2020! Join us on April 24, 2022.

25% of children born with a CHD will need heart surgery or other interventions in their first year of life to survive. Often, multiple surgeries and procedures are required.
Jasper would have had open heart surgery by the time he was 6 months old.
One of the things Mended Little Hearts (MLH) does is delivery Bravery Bags to children and families in the hospital, after surgery.
For CHD Awareness Week 2021, we are donating these WubbaNub heart warrior bear pacifiers and loveys to MLH!
Jasper means bringer of treasures, and he is our greatest treasure. Our hope is to someday find peace and purpose though his life. We honor our son by living our lives to the fullest, doing good and being kind.
We are honored by the nomination from CHoR for the APF’s Emerging Philanthropic Leader Award for National Philanthropy Day 2021!
The virtual celebration was November 18, 2021. Our part starts at 20:40 and goes about 12 mins.